Reclaim Your Confidence: Peak Performance for Men

Are you tired of potions and pills that don’t work?

Our physician specialists offer medical solutions that have helped thousands of men just like you.

My patients always come first

How common is Erectile Dysfunction?

ED or Erectile dysfunction varies from the complete inability to achieve an erection to an erection that is not strong enough for penetration. Still others complain of erections that are short lived. You should not be embarrassed to discuss ED issues. Research has shown that 40% of men over the age of 40 suffer with ED issues and 70% of men over the age of 70 suffer with ED issues. If you have Diabetes, the prevalence of ED issues rises more than the common population because DM affects the blood vessels and nerves. Men need healthy blood vessels and nerves to have a strong erection. In the United States, estimates report that 30 million men suffer with ED issues. This figure is rising with the increase in sedentary lifestyle and sharp increases in the number of diabetics.

What is Causing my Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can be caused by a number of underlying factors, along with psychological ones. Excessive stress and anxiety can lead to performance issues. Underlying health concerns like diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and hormonal imbalances can all contribute to ED.

Are there Effective Treatments for ED issues?

The good news is that there are several effective treatments for ED even for men with diabetes. At Bio-Functional MED, we have helped countless men GET BACK IN THE GAME with a comprehensive approach to restore nature’s erectile function. We understand the importance of treating the whole man. Our physicians have years of experience customizing treatments to help guys with ED issues including Low T treatments, personalized weight loss programs, PRP-Male-Enhancement-injections, Px-shot, Trimix Injections and many more treatments.

Why do so many men suffer in silence and not get help?

For many men, they fear that nothing will help them and they don’t want to risk disappointment. Or many men do not want to discuss the loss of their sexual potency because it is too embarrassing to discuss. We know that you don’t want to waste your time or waste your money, but it’s time to take action.

Treating Your Erectile Dysfunction at Bio-Functional MED: Men’s Health.

While millions of men experience similar performance concerns, we recognize that each situation is unique. Our personalized approach tailors solutions to your specific needs. We’ll listen attentively to your situation and create a plan that best fits you, considering your overall health background.

It’s time to take control!

Schedule a private consultation with our highly trained BioFunctional MED Specialists. They’ll discuss the most suitable options for you, which may include various therapies and customized approaches.

No obligation, no pressure setting.

Our 100% Happiness Guarantee

With our greater than 95% success rate* treating men with erectile dysfunction, we know that we can help you recreate the great sex life you once enjoyed.

Read our many positive Testimonials.

Chapel Hill -Wow -LB

After I turned 40, I really felt like I was past my prime. I came home from work and became a serious couch potato. I didn’t play with my kids or my wife really. Our sex life went into the tubes. If we did it once a month I am pretty sure we were lucky. I gained a bunch of weight.  I didn’t think that I had a testosterone problem because my doctor said that my levels were normal. I went to see you guys because I was having a hard time keeping my erections going and I had no libidio as well. I did not realize how my low T levels were ruining my life. I am so happy that we made the decision to replenish my T levels. I have been working out a lot more. I have lost weight. I dont even watch the new anymore because we are out and about almost everyday. I am getting it a lot more now as well which is really powerful glue for a relationship.  keep up the good work.  You guys are the real deal.

Burlington Big Thanks! -LT

Dear Dr Antony, After my previous men’s clinic closed and took my money, I was thankful to have found you available to help me with my ED needs. The PRP-shot series and testosterone pellets have made a big difference in my sex life and energy levels. I no longer need to give myself trimix shots and I feel that my erections are must stronger. After my divorce 3 years ago, I found myself out in the field again. I am more confident and dating a younger woman which is a lot of fun. I thought that sort of fun was over for me but that’s not the case. Thanks again for everything.

Raleigh Very Supportive -AJ

Thank you sir.  And I just want to take a sec to let you know how much I appreciate having found my way to you guys.  You’ve been VERY supportive and great for me to talk to.  You’re a great listener and I’ve needed that in helping me get through this part of my life.  I’m sure you see many things, but as you are aware, I’ve been through some serious, heavy stuff the last several years…ALL AT ONCE.  And it’s easy to feel lost and alone in all of this.  So thank you for doing what you do and giving me a place to start in trying to heal myself.

Durham -YK

My previous ED clinic felt a lot like I was buying a used car. They pressured me into packages and then disappeared in the night. I was left with no alternatives. I am so happy that a friend recommended your office to me. Your staff are friendly and professional. I never felt any pressure. the doctor made me feel completely at ease. I decided to add testosterone pellet therapy to my regimen. I have never felt so young. I feel like I am in my 02’s or 30’s again. It’s amazing to have this kind of energy again for a 60 year old guy. I can workout again and I feel like I can workout 2 times per day. It’s amazing what lifting weights can do to boost your sex life again. I owe it all to you. I plan on sending you all my friends and family.  Thanks for all the education and taking the time to answer all my questions.   keep up the good work.

Wilmington -LS

I drive from Wilmington to see Dr Yap in her Wilson office.  The long drive is well worth it.  After she looked at my labs and medications, she immediately saw that I was on too much estrogen and needed some testosterone and progesterone. I got it all in balance and I have never felt so amazing. I feel like a human being again. I will fly to California to see her if she moves. I went to my OB but he just kept upping my estrogen which wasn’t helping.  I am so thankful that you could take me on as a patient. I know that I ask a lot of questions and I take up a lot of your time but you have always made me feel like I am the only patient you have. Thanks for being so wonderful. I have taken a handful of your cards to give to my girlfriends. thank you.

Norfolk, VA -Big Time Kudos -JM

My sister recommended I see her doctor in raleigh, Dr Yap about my menopause symptoms. I was on biest and it was helping some but I didnt realize how important testosterone is in my hormonal milieu.  After she balanced my testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.  She figured out that I was suffering from adrenal fatigue. She fixed my cortisol levels.  I am sleeping a lot better and my stress levels are more controlled.  I feel rested. I have three kids and a busy career. I am constantly on the go.  Now I have the energy to take care of my husband as well. Big time kudos for figuring out my mess, helping my marriage, and making me feel human again. Not defective.

Wilson, NC -KT

Dr Antony is a caring and understanding man.  He really knows a lot about ED issues. I was stubborn and should have seen him before. I am getting really good results from the trimix shots. It is really helping my marriage. Thanks for being a great listener.

Ready to make a change? Contact Bio-Functional Med and start your journey to a longer, healthier you!