Testosterone Replacement
Not Feeling like yourself?
There is a Solution……Hormone Optimization
As we age, testosterone levels decline in both men and women. Yes, even women require testosterone. After age thirty-five, both men and women can experience a steady decline in testosterone levels. Men and women can experience a decline of about 3% per year after age 30. Without hormonal adjustment, both men and women can experience several symptoms of hormonal decline listed below. In fact, there are over 20 health benefits associated with testosterone replacement but not all replacement therapies are the same. Specialists can help determine which form of replacement therapy is right for you. This is Personalized Medicine.

Common Female Symptoms of Testosterone and Estrogen Deficiency
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- Weight Gain
- Joint pain
- Migraine Headaches
- Depression
- Low Sex Drive
- Memory Loss
- Lack of Sleep
- Tension
- Fatigue (3-4 o’clock WALL)
Common Male Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- Weight Gain
- Joint pain
- Migraine Headaches
- Depression
- Low Sex Drive
- Memory Loss
- Lack of Sleep
- Tension
- Fatigue (3-4 o’clock WALL)
Testosterone Therapy

Pills can cause peaks and valleys and require you take something everyday. Additionally, pills go through first pass metabolism in the liver so only a small percentage become active in the body. Pills can place a lot of stress on the liver and its common for liver enzymes to increase with prolonged ingestion of hormone pills.
Creams and gels

Injectable Testosterone

Injectable testosterone is an effective way to supplement testosterone. Men typically inject once a week but dosing can be done 2x per week. Some men may complain of feeling a roller coaster effect where they feel good when the injection is first given but the beneficial effects wear off before it is time to get the next shot. This can make men feel like they are riding on a roller coaster of peaks and troughs. In these cases, men may choose to dose twice per week or convert to pellet therapy.
Testosterone Pellet Therapy
Pellet Therapy can help your body return to a normal youthful balance and an optimal state. Pellet Therapy delivers bio-identical hormone to your body. This is same type of hormone that your body produces naturally. (Synthetic hormones were used in the past with devastating health outcomes). Today, pellet therapy can be used to deliver personalized dosages that are on-demand via a pellet. If your body requires more hormone because of vigorous exercise, bio-identical pellets will deliver more hormone to your system to keep up with the demand. Implantation takes less than 10 minutes. A small incision is made below the beltline in the rear hip region and a personalized dose of pellets are inserted into the subcutaneous fat. A small water-proof bandage is worn for 5 days. The effects of the pellets can be felt as early as two weeks after insertion.
Testosterone Pellets
- Biologically Identical
- Natural YAM or SOY derived compounds
- Constantly available to the body
- Absorbed directly, not taken orally
- Avoids first pass metabolism by the liver
- Steady state of hormones- no roller coaster
- Safe and hassle free
- Can last 4-6 months in men and 3-4 months in women
- Personalized dosing
- Widely used in Europe and Australia since 1939
Positive Effect of Natural Bio-Identical Testosterone Therapy
- Cognitive Clarity
- Increased Energy and Vitality
- Reduced body Fat
- Increased Muscle Strength
- Increased Bone Density
- Improved Mood
- Enhanced Libido
- Prostate Protection
- Enhanced Erectile Function
- Elimination of Hot Flashes
- Lowers Cholesterol
- Cardiovascular Protection
- Enhanced Feelings of Well-Being